Im not a voice actor, but its always something ive wanted to try, so Mic Me
There is a conspiracy within this sentence.
Age 41, Male
Soviet Robot
Dan's Discount Saikyo Dojo
Joined on 9/12/02
Im not a voice actor, but its always something ive wanted to try, so Mic Me
I do a lot of stuff involving audio as a hobby and all, this definitely would be better than using my simple lavalier mic lol. Mic me up ayy
Mic Me!
Been looking into upgrading my audio set up from USB and get actual mixers for XLR gear and this would be a prefect addition. So Mic Me up!
My name is Chancellor and I love voice acting I have been voice acting for a long time I really need this microphone because I really work hard on my computer and I take care of all my voice recording stuff and am working on a cartoon project coming soon
My mom got sick and passed away last year she told me if I work really hard and partice I can do anything I put my mind on these last five years it's have been challenging and though on me I have also work with some famous voice actors friends like Kyle herber and Steve bulm
If I win this contest it will mean a lot to me and I will take really good care of your microphone my mom had breast cancer it would make my mom proud of me so I appreciate you reading this
I really hope I can make a change
P.s this is chanceVa saying Mic Me up
Thanks for your time and have a great day
Mic me! (✷‿✷)
Mic Me!
Ive always wanted to voice act. Is it available internationally or only in US?
If internationally , Well hmmmm "Mic ME!" But if not international, im sad :(
US only for shipping. But I'm up front on it.
Mic me!
@HalfDemureOfficial @Jonas im sad but maybe if you have the ability to ship in other country. Mic Me!!! If I ever hands on a mic, Ill try my best to use as always as I can.
Mic me? But my name isn't mic
Mic Me! I've been voice acting one and off for a few months with just a USB mic, and would love the chance to upgrade! Thanks for the opportunity!
Mic Me! i think i need a replacement
Mic Me !! Im using a 5 year cardio microphone
i forgot to mention that i help out the community and i just a couple off days ago i seen someone i didn't know just be buying there food and also paying the hotel for then they told me how much that made there day and they god bless you and i told about my story about how much stuff i was going through when my mother passed away they also told that my mom would be so proud off me doing the right thing i also know a lot about recording equipment i can take off my stuff
i hopefully want make my own audio book and sell for people to listen to it
my thoughts about all off this is if you do good by beginning kind nice things will really work
if i win i this giveaway this will make mom so happy i have been doing voice acting 9 years one off my passion is to become a voice over artist doing audio books and cartoons
anime and much it would be so cool to be in a cartoon
thanks for your support and time
Mic Me (very hyped about NG goodies)
Considering I'm only working with a plug n' play USB mic, I think this is an upgrade!
Don't mic if I do...
I'm sorry I said that.?
Just "Mic Me!" brother.