The Game Whose Name Cannot be spoken just got finished doing a big alpha playtest with a crew up north.
It's terrible not locally having anyone around to do this shit, I wound up driving 3 hours to squeeze a few games in.
Everyone had lots of fun though, and could handle learning it while drunk so that is a very good sign.
The proper crew for the Beta Test though will be getting it drop shipped later this week.
For now though, sleep and lots of it as I'm terribly tired from this week.
I've been doing 90 hours a week between both jobs, and I'm so close to being able to getting back to 8 hours of sleep vs 4.
For the first time in a long while though, something I have started will be seen through, and I am proud that the quality I felt I put into was worth my time.
I truly hope that everyone else agrees when/if this comes out.