Yeah, the sound really came of as sluggish and forced. The images were choppy, and the whole wound up looking slapped together.
Yeah, the sound really came of as sluggish and forced. The images were choppy, and the whole wound up looking slapped together.
Anthony_john5 is right
How did this thing survive? It shows no effort.
Very Nice
Enjoyable all around, and the rewind, fast-forward is bug free. My only compliant, and it's a minor one, is the song is indeed Aphex Twin's Come to Daddy, but bear in mind the correct title is Come to Daddy (Pappy Mix). Great Job.
I'm not sure, but I like it.
I find it soothing, it's a peaceful kind of hate.
No more movies from you
I'm not wasting my time typing, and no one should waste their's watching.
In Hick talk...
Y'all besin' be blamin' this here afor' sumpin' up n' dies. Stop Dean Skullet now.
Holy Holocaust Batman!
My friend just got the Christmas Cthulhu. We stare at it for hours. The dark vacant eyes stare back. We wake up in our beds, covered in blood. Why Great One? Why?
God, I love this movie.
I agree. Try, and get the American anthem one on here.
Thanks. Yes, that one will be in american idol tribute 2, which is almost finished. It will have 10 singers in it.
Stop making movies, and start making babies.
You aren't very good, and would personally be better suited at say... dieing.
There is a conspiracy within this sentence.
Age 41, Male
Soviet Robot
Dan's Discount Saikyo Dojo
Joined on 9/12/02